Thursday, 17 May 2012

#65 Operation Healthy

So it has gotten to that time of year again where everyone's on a diet and trying to get that perfect bikini body. Well everyone except me. However, it is true that I'm trying to diet and be healthy, but I'm doing this for myself as I'm not going away this year.
Recently I've noticed I've started to put on weight again compared to the last few months and I've been letting myself go what with eating all that chocolate at Easter! So from now on it's time to eat super healthy and get fit!
I'm not expecting miracles over night but over time I want to reach my goal to which I'll be perfectly content with! Every female feels self-concious of their bodies or the way they look even if you think that they are beautiful and have a drop dead figure. There are just a few girls who are lucky enough to be able to stand there, raise their arm and say 'Hell yes, I love my body and the way I look and feel.' Now I want to be one of those girls!
I know this is going to be a tough and gruelling process simply because I LOVE my food! But by keeping a weekly diary on my blog it will help me to let off some of my 'hunger stress' and maybe help others who are currently going through the same thing. It's also a great way to share help and advice with other followers to form a network of motivation for fitness! So here goes my first online weigh-in!

Age: 18
Height: 5'8
Current weight: 12stone exact.
Current size: 12
Ideal weight: 10stone

All images we were from weheartitcom


  1. I'm in the exact same situation, I posted about it a while ago and haven't mentioned it again, oops. I love my food so much, I've stuck to drinking 3 bottles of water a day and I was exercising 3 times a week until exams got in the way, as soon as exams are over serious healthy eating and exercise shall begin! Good luck! xx

    1. It's really tough! and exams don't help because you just sit at home bored from revision and whenever I'm bored I love to eat!! Keep going for it!! :) xxx

  2. I am in the same situation, I went to uni and put just over a stone on. It was just enough to make me start to feel self conscious about my weight. Defiantly want to try and lose it over the summer however,I love my food too and find it hard to turn down going out to lunch with my friends as the healthy options are not as appealing. I had fish and chips for lunch today as all my house mates were, not a good start!

    1. Thats almost just like me! I feel very self conscious even though I know I'm not 'fat' and am slim as I'm tallish but just feel that I could do with being a bit smaller! Going out is such a pain! Most of my money is spent on food and it needs to stop! Good luck with trying to be healthy!! :) xxx

  3. kim k is stunning isn't she? she has curves which just make me go 'wow'!! i guess with anything to do with health, it's about finding a balance and being happy with it; i hope you do soon doll! hugs!!



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